
  • Wie du deine Instax-Fotos auseinandernehmen kannst

    2013-06-24 #gear #튜토리얼
    Wie du deine Instax-Fotos auseinandernehmen kannst

    Kennst du diese hübschen, grob aussehenden Rahmen, die du bei Trennbild-Filmen bekommst, wenn du das Foto vom Negativ trennst? Du kannst einen ähnlichen Effekt auch mit deinen Instax-Fotos herstellen! Hier zeige ich dir wie´s geht.

  • #16552369

    2012-07-16 에 vagentleman2003 가 공유

  • #16552366

    2012-07-16 에 rik041 가 공유

  • #16552367

    2012-07-16 에 nickpacker 가 공유

  • Harkortturm

    2012-03-08 에 knipsomat 가 공유

    I modified my Diana Mini, it is taking pictures in standard format now and I love it more than ever :)

  • Bunker

    2012-03-08 에 knipsomat 가 공유

    I modified my Diana Mini, it is taking pictures in standard format now and I love it more than ever :)

  • Harkortsee

    2012-03-08 에 knipsomat 가 공유

    I modified my Diana Mini, it is taking pictures in standard format now and I love it more than ever :)


    2011-07-06 에 tekhead 가 공유

  • autumn garden

    2011-07-06 에 tekhead 가 공유

  • autumn garden

    2011-07-06 에 tekhead 가 공유

  • autumn garden

    2011-07-06 에 tekhead 가 공유


    2011-07-06 에 tekhead 가 공유

  • #2047976

    2007-04-15 에 theresonlyonemel 가 공유

  • #2047972

    2007-04-15 에 theresonlyonemel 가 공유

  • #2047965

    2007-04-15 에 theresonlyonemel 가 공유

  • #2047963

    2007-04-15 에 theresonlyonemel 가 공유

  • art in the streets

    2011-05-06 에 boogieroxx 가 공유

  • art in the streets

    2011-05-06 에 boogieroxx 가 공유

  • art in the streets

    2011-05-06 에 boogieroxx 가 공유

  • Komm schon! Lass uns mal 'nen Farbfilm entwickeln!

    작성자 pepper-b 작성일 2011-02-15 카테고리 #gear #튜토리얼
    Komm schon! Lass uns mal 'nen Farbfilm entwickeln!

    Seit ich mit analoger Fotografie angefangen habe, habe ich nur eine einzige Rolle in einem Labor entwickeln lassen: sie brauchten einen Tag um sie zu entwickeln und zu scannen und ich stellte fest, dass sie nicht die Sprockets – also die Transportlöcher – mitgescannt hatten. Ich brauchte wirklich wirklich einen Scanner und das Wissen, wie man selbst entwickelt!

  • Die S/W Fotopapier Bibel

    작성자 ckpj9983 작성일 2011-03-25 카테고리
    Die S/W Fotopapier Bibel

    Es ist an der Zeit, den nächsten Schritt zu gehen. Deine Digitalkamera verstaubt seit Monaten im Regal. Wenn es darum geht deine analoge Kamera mit Film zu bestücken, bist du wie ein perfekt ausgebildeter Foto-Scharfschütze, der sein Gewehr mit neuer Munition füllt. Dein Badezimmer hat noch immer diesen Geruch, den keiner deiner Freunde wirklich identifizieren kann. Der Duft des Fixierers während deiner Morgendusche ist für dich wie die erste Tasse Kaffee am Tag: lebensnotwendig. Du bist ein Filmfreak und du bist stolz darauf. Aber wenn die Negative erst einmal getrocknet sind, bist du wieder am Bildschirm gefangen, wo du sie scannst und korrigierst. Es ist Zeit, dies zu ändern. Und der erste Schritt in diese Richtung ist, Fotopapier zu verstehen.

  • My first Sprocket Rocket film!

    2011-03-03 에 fisheyemary 가 공유

    Here are my very first efforts with Sprocket Rocket! All photos are taken in my neighborhood, Kypseli, in Athens,Greece and a nearby park. Hope you like them!

  • My first Sprocket Rocket film!

    2011-03-03 에 fisheyemary 가 공유

    Here are my very first efforts with Sprocket Rocket! All photos are taken in my neighborhood, Kypseli, in Athens,Greece and a nearby park. Hope you like them!

  • The haunted Holga and Sprocket Rocket album!!!

    2011-04-12 에 fisheyemary 가 공유

    It was just another lomowalk in the city...but my Holga seems to be haunted! I'm pretty sure I put the switch on "12", but then I saw the number 13 on the meter...I paused and wondered what could have gone wrong...either my Holga is haunted by unknown photographic spirits or the switch turned to 16 on its own while she was in my bag! And to make things worse, neither my Sprocket Rocket performed as I hoped...It was a bad lomo trip!!!

  • The haunted Holga and Sprocket Rocket album!!!

    2011-04-12 에 fisheyemary 가 공유

    It was just another lomowalk in the city...but my Holga seems to be haunted! I'm pretty sure I put the switch on "12", but then I saw the number 13 on the meter...I paused and wondered what could have gone wrong...either my Holga is haunted by unknown photographic spirits or the switch turned to 16 on its own while she was in my bag! And to make things worse, neither my Sprocket Rocket performed as I hoped...It was a bad lomo trip!!!

  • The haunted Holga and Sprocket Rocket album!!!

    2011-04-12 에 fisheyemary 가 공유

    It was just another lomowalk in the city...but my Holga seems to be haunted! I'm pretty sure I put the switch on "12", but then I saw the number 13 on the meter...I paused and wondered what could have gone wrong...either my Holga is haunted by unknown photographic spirits or the switch turned to 16 on its own while she was in my bag! And to make things worse, neither my Sprocket Rocket performed as I hoped...It was a bad lomo trip!!!

  • The haunted Holga and Sprocket Rocket album!!!

    2011-04-12 에 fisheyemary 가 공유

    It was just another lomowalk in the city...but my Holga seems to be haunted! I'm pretty sure I put the switch on "12", but then I saw the number 13 on the meter...I paused and wondered what could have gone wrong...either my Holga is haunted by unknown photographic spirits or the switch turned to 16 on its own while she was in my bag! And to make things worse, neither my Sprocket Rocket performed as I hoped...It was a bad lomo trip!!!

  • The haunted Holga and Sprocket Rocket album!!!

    2011-04-12 에 fisheyemary 가 공유

    It was just another lomowalk in the city...but my Holga seems to be haunted! I'm pretty sure I put the switch on "12", but then I saw the number 13 on the meter...I paused and wondered what could have gone wrong...either my Holga is haunted by unknown photographic spirits or the switch turned to 16 on its own while she was in my bag! And to make things worse, neither my Sprocket Rocket performed as I hoped...It was a bad lomo trip!!!

  • DIY C-41 to B&W Cross Process

    작성자 smbilgin 작성일 2011-02-07 카테고리 #gear #튜토리얼
    DIY  C-41 to B&W Cross Process

    If you already develop your own B&W films, you may want to try to develop C-41 color negatives with B&W chemicals :)

  • #12362412

    2011-01-01 에 tracyvmoore 가 공유

  • #12362410

    2011-01-01 에 tracyvmoore 가 공유

  • #12008536

    2010-10-24 에 wildirismeadow 가 공유

  • #12176916

    2010-11-24 에 wildirismeadow 가 공유

  • #11961621

    2010-10-14 에 obeyourdream 가 공유

  • #12346848

    2010-12-29 에 obeyourdream 가 공유

    I bought myself a used Minolta X-700 SLR camera. When I put the first film in it, I realized, that the counter didn't really work (he still doesn't though) so I just took a few shots of my guitars in order to figure out whats wrong. I rewound the film and put it in again to make some real photos and totally forgot that i've already taken some test pictures with it....here are the results!!!

  • #12346847

    2010-12-29 에 obeyourdream 가 공유

    I bought myself a used Minolta X-700 SLR camera. When I put the first film in it, I realized, that the counter didn't really work (he still doesn't though) so I just took a few shots of my guitars in order to figure out whats wrong. I rewound the film and put it in again to make some real photos and totally forgot that i've already taken some test pictures with it....here are the results!!!