11 덧글

  1. ekeupratama
    ekeupratama ·

    filmnya keren kaya make slide..
    ini nyuci scan di ausie jg?

  2. poppyprongs
    poppyprongs ·

    @ekeupratama: iya ya heuhauhe :' ngga kok, nyuci scan di Bandung :)

  3. ekeupratama
    ekeupratama ·

    di seni abadi?

  4. poppyprongs
    poppyprongs ·

    @ekeupratama: yep benar sekali

  5. ekeupratama
    ekeupratama ·

    ko kaya ga di SA haha
    perlu lapor anak2 nih

  6. fadjaradiputra
    fadjaradiputra ·

    baru-baru ini ya cuci scannya? wah beli negatif aja deh kalo gini.

  7. poppyprongs
    poppyprongs ·

    @fajaradiputra: iya baru, pake lomo asa800 :D makasih likesnya

  8. sirio174
    sirio174 ·

    great to ride barefooted, I love it!! (More sense of freedom; at 4g 1kg of shoes weights as 4 kilos!)

  9. poppyprongs
    poppyprongs ·

    @sirio174: i know right :D and thanks for liking :)

  10. achmad-magabutz
    achmad-magabutz ·


  11. koduckgirl
    koduckgirl ·

    Nice really amazing colors! Cheers and thanx for the recent likes

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