Submission by itsdardur


I found this place a while back, an abandoned school class that has so many cool features to it. Took my friend shooting there and we had some fun, getting some cool results. This shot made me feel like I'm watching a scene from an old film (as well as the one after it that comes in a sequence).

Breaking Boundaries: 여행 & 다큐멘터리 어워드 2022

로모그래피 연례 사진 시상식: TEN AND ONE 2022의 공개 제출 라운드에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 최고의 여행 사진과 다큐멘터리 사진을 선보이고 브레이킹 바운더리 카테고리의 챔피언이 되십시오.

다른 itsdardur의 제출