
  • Muerte de mi actionsampler flash

    2012-04-24 에 lilithmoon 가 공유

    No se que pasó con mi actionsampler, pero el día que me decido a probarla con uno de mis X Tungsten la muy marrana decide morirse a mitad de carrete.... :( Una lástima la verdad, por suerte aún está en garantia y me la han cambiado, espero que está sea la definitiva...

  • #14397962

    2011-10-04 에 lazybuddha 가 공유

    I felt like I knew her now, at least as well as one could. She was sensitive yet easy to be with, not the fickle, high maintenance girl I'd imagined. She always forgave my clumsiness. I understood that she had others, she gave her love so freely, so innocently, that I couldn't be jealous. I was happy to visit them and try and catch a glimpse of her. After all I knew, somewhere in the back of my mind, that she was as transient as life itself, and when she was gone, she would be gone forever.

  • #16652201

    2012-07-30 에 spiritedly 가 공유

  • #14911061

    2011-12-15 에 frauspatzi 가 공유
