Spin spin spin! I feel dizzy

Just getting a hang of what exposures the speed and apertures produce depending on light etc. I had a blast trying things to see what kind of exposure I'd get. Some of the best shots are the wierd ones where I just went with my gut.

8 덧글

  1. ishifishy
    ishifishy ·

    Hahaha Fun album !!!!

  2. alienmeatsack
    alienmeatsack ·

    @ishifishy Thanks! I had fun shooting it. :D

  3. gepo1303
    gepo1303 ·

    nice one!

  4. alienmeatsack
    alienmeatsack ·

    @gepo1303 Thanks! I love how my shoes look in the shot. and the general wideness of it. :D

  5. schugger
    schugger ·

    yeah - what a coooooool shooooooot - and soooooo wiiiiiiiiide ;-)

  6. alienmeatsack
    alienmeatsack ·

    @schugger Thanks! :D Yeah it is wide, messes with your mind as you try to visually "see" it and correct the distortion.

  7. halamoodie
    halamoodie ·

    These are brill! I haven't really seen any Spinner 360 photos which weren't outdoor landscapes before and I think your piccies are the better for it! Now I really want one! Hahaha! :)

  8. alienmeatsack
    alienmeatsack ·

    @halamoodie Thanks :D I've seen others Motorizer shots but it seems like most people are trying to replicate what they do with the handle. I see the heavy weighted base as a chance to put the camera in new places and shoot new ways. I've even got the filters figured out so I can shoot in sunlight on any speed film and it be exposed right. :D