로모그래피 어워드: 게임 체인저: Eyes Up

1,632 서브미션 · 완료 ·

Point your camera towards the sky and capture the interesting things that you can find.

Spring's clearer skies and greener landscapes give plenty of reasons for one to look up. From fluffy clouds to an airplane passing by, take a pause and change your perspective to photograph all the pretty things that are literally above your head. Use buildings to frame the wide blue yonder or appreciate the channel-like gaps formed tree crowns.

Each participant may submit up to 10 photographs. This competition serves as the qualifying round for the Game Changers category.

Photo by suizidekid


축하합니다: jmcedo, srcardoso, lemonjuice, bonnelly, ensur, joecool, alcastan, dupdupdee, aronne & systemdevice.