4 댓글

  1. jimgoodinmusic
    jimgoodinmusic ·

    Great moment and though I wasn't there it looks like you as the photographer held the moment and made the picture meaning no delay no hesitation. Maybe you had a conversation develop and that opened the door or maybe not, it just is a nice moment that looks like was not flawed by asking or just realizing. Don't know if that makes sense and long comments are rare but it's a nice moment.

  2. vanyadayi
    vanyadayi ·

    The magic of this photo is more about the year it was taken and the place. I guess the fact that he understands and does not oppose taking his photograph made the photograph sincere. Thanks you for your precious comment.

  3. erayssoylu
    erayssoylu ·


  4. vanyadayi
    vanyadayi ·

    @erayssoylu teşekkürler.

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