Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower, Paris, November 2012

9 댓글

  1. jahwil
    jahwil ·


  2. yokekei
    yokekei ·


  3. japsix
    japsix ·

    wow! awesome!

  4. maggie_m
    maggie_m ·


  5. hafenperle
    hafenperle ·

    Love it!!!

  6. guinastrapazi
    guinastrapazi ·

    ♥ lovely ♥

  7. boooya
    boooya ·

    even though there is a random christmas tree ...i still like the perspective of this shot.great job

  8. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    LOL - @boooya, you are right. There is a random Christmas Tree - too funny!

  9. xerry
    xerry ·

    very nice

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