LomoKino Workshop shortfilm

created with ideas that came up from everybody at the workshop.

creado con varias ideas y un poco sobre la marcha de los asistentes al taller

barcelona first time guanatos lomokino parc de la ciutadella workshop

10 덧글

  1. atria007
    atria007 ·

    ay la persecucion me recuerda a beni hill XD

  2. guanatos
    guanatos ·

    jjaaj pues lo pillaste, ahora vuelvelo a ver y pon la sintonía de benny hil y verás como vas a reír aún más jejej

  3. purepaty
    purepaty ·

    what a great movie! love it!

  4. guanatos
    guanatos ·

    @purepaty thanks ;) glad you enjoyed it!

  5. purepaty
    purepaty ·

    the film would look better with a music, but like this it is beautiful <3 :)

  6. guanatos
    guanatos ·

    I agree. Try putting the benny hill intro it's real funny. Maybe on the next movie ;)

  7. guanatos
    guanatos ·

    @mephisto19 thank you! glad you liked it.

  8. davidcruzpous
    davidcruzpous ·

    muy buena!

  9. gatokinetik-o
    gatokinetik-o ·


  10. freakoftheweek
    freakoftheweek ·

    Great, agree with the others - would be perfect with some funny music