로모그래피 어워드: Breaking Boundaries: Local Icons

1,037 서브미션 · 완료 ·

Honor the locals that made your travel even more memorable.

Aside from the breathtaking scenery and scrumptious food, what we remember the most when we travel are the people we cross paths with. Introduce us to the tour guides who helped you navigate the way around foreign streets, friendly merchants with their well-crafted goodies, and the strangers who welcomed you with big smiles.

Each participant may submit up to 10 photographs. This competition serves as the qualifying round for the Breaking Boundaries category.

Photo by andrelazarte


축하합니다: fufoo, chippo, mengyangchen, cristianogerardi, chippo, sirio174, lomonina, eskodisk, popoti, koolkatze1 & vicuna.