로모그래피 어워드: 도시 탐험가: Entropy

1,620 서브미션 · 완료 ·

There's beauty in everything, even in ruins. Document how derelict buildings and structures serve as a reminder of the city's past life.

Mega-cities and urban jungles around the world constantly undergoes changes. One of the downside of this progress is the abandonment of once flourishing places to more modern ones. For this competition, explore spaces left by rapid urbanization and photograph its decrepit charm etched by time.

Each participant may submit up to 10 photographs. This competition serves as the qualifying round for the Urban Explorers category.

Photo by cfehse.


축하합니다: zezia, pearlgirl77, sexyinred, pearlgirl77, dupdupdee, _nina_, corentinschieb, morlice, johku & corentinschieb.